dc:description"FIGURE 15. Conchoecia sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. (Adult male: A, C, E, H–J, and M—MIMB 18345/2; B, D, F, G, K, L, N, and O—MIMB 18345/1). A—right valve of carapace in lateral view; B and C—capitulum of frontal organ; D and E—frontal organ and first antenna; F—first antenna; G—distal part of first antenna; H—arming of “e”-seta antenna; I—endopodite of second antenna; J–M—distal part of endopodites on right (J, K) and left (L, M) second antenna; N and O—epipodite of mandible.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Conchoecia sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. (Adult male: A, D, F, and J–O—MIMB 18345/3; B—sample for holotype. Adult female: C, E, G–I—MIMB 18345/5). A–C—right valve of carapace in lateral view; D and E—carapace in ventral view; F and G—posterior margin of right valve of carapace; H and I—distal part of frontal organ; J—frontal organ and first antenna; K—distal part of frontal organ and first antenna; L—endopodite of right second antenna; M—clasping organ and bases of sensory setae on endopodite of second antenna; N—copulatory appendage; O—distal part of copulatory appendage.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Conchoecia sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. (Adult male: A–C, E, J, and K—MIMB 18345/2; D, F, and G—MIMB 18345/1. Adult female: I—MIMB 18345/4). A—second antenna (endopodite and setae on third–ninth segments not shown); B and C—mandible (setae of FIGURE C not shown); D—disto-posterior part of mandible; E and F—masticatory pad of mandible; G and H—epipodite of mandible; I—maxilla (endites not shown); J—second segment of endopodite on maxilla; K—furcal appendage.";
dc:description"FIGURE 18. Conchoecia sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. (Adult female: A and K—MIMB 18345/4. Adult male: B, H, and I— MIMB 18345/1; C–G, J, L, and M—MIMB 18345/2). A—epipodite of mandible; B—tooth of basale endite; C and D—fifth limb; E—coxale and precoxale of fifth limb; F—sixth limb; G and H—proximal part of sixth limb; I and J—seventh limb; Kdistal part of seventh limb; L—copulatory appendage; M—distal part of copulatory appendage.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19. Conchoecia sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. (Adult female: A–M—MIMB 18345/4). A—right valve of carapace in lateral view; B—frontal organ and first antenna; C—distal part of frontal organ; D—second antenna (setae of third–ninth segments not shown); E and F—distal part of endopodite on second antenna; G—mandible (without setae, only main claw is shown); H—coxal endite of mandible; I—epipodite of mandible; J—sixth limb; K and L—distal part of basale and proximal part of first endopodite segment of sixth limb; M—seventh limb.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Map showing locations of stations at which Conchoecia angustipilata Chavtur, sp. nov. and C. sculpta Chavtur, sp. nov. were sampled.";