dc:description"Figure 39. Pomaria pilosa (Vogel) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis. A inflorescences (A. A. Schneider, Flora Digital (http: // www. ufrgs. br / fitoecologia / florars /), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, unvouchered). Pomaria rubicunda (Vogel) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis B flowers C inflorescences (S. Bordignon, Flora Digital (http: // www. ufrgs. br / fitoecologia / florars /), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, unvouchered). Pomaria jamesii (Torr. & Gray) Walp. D flower E fruit (P. Alexander, SEINet Arizona Chapter (http: // swbiodiversity. org / seinet / imagelib /), Arizona, USA, unvouchered); Pomaria burchellii (DC.) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis subsp. burchellii (captions continued on next page) F flower G habit H fruits (O. Bourquin, Flora of Zimbabwe (http: // www. zimbabweflora. co. zw /), Ghanzi district, Botswana, unvouchered). Arquita grandiflora E. Gagnon, G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes I flower and buds (C. E. Hughes, Ancash, Peru, Saerkinen et al. 2225 (FHO )). Arquita celendiniana (G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes) E. Gagnon, G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes J flower (E. Gagnon, Cajamarca, Peru, Hughes & al. 3097 (MT )). Arquita trichocarpa (Griseb.) E. Gagnon, G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes K inflorescence M fruit (E. Gagnon, Salta, Argentina, Gagnon & Atchison 218 (MT )) O habit (E. Gagnon, Jujuy, Argentina, Gagnon et al. 204 (MT )). Arquita ancashiana (Ulibarri) E. Gagnon, G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes L undersurface of leaflet (E. Gagnon, Cajamarca, Peru, Hughes et al. 3065 (MT )). Arquita mimosifolia (Griseb.) E. Gagnon, G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes N fruit (E. Gagnon, Salta, Argentina, Gagnon et al. 203 (MT )).";
dc:description"Figure 40. Pomaria burchellii (DC.) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis subsp. burchellii. A habit B, C leaflets from above and beneath, respectively D flower E calyx F-H calyx lobes I median petal J upper lateral petal K lower lateral petal L, M stamens N gynoecium O fruit, with enlargement of single trichome P part of single fruit valve showing seed. A-C, O, P from Wild & Drummond 6913 D-N from Galala 72. Drawn by D. Erasmus, originally published in Flora Zambesiaca, vol. 3 part 2, page 185 (2007).";