dc:description"FIGURES 261–271. Ceylonula femoralis. 261, right side of larval abdominal segments I–V with tergalii in natural position; 262–268, tergalii I–VII (costal margin facing up, ventral lamella turned at left, dorsal lamella at right); 269–271, bases of caudalii of larva, subimago and imago of same individual.";
dc:description"FIGURES 51–58. Ghatula rufa gen. sp. n., female (holotype). 51–52, fore- and hind wings of imago; 53–55, fore-, middle and hind legs of imago with enlarged fragment of hind tibia; 56, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 57–58, subimago.Arrows show point where patella-tibial suture crosses inner side of tibia.";
dc:description"FIGURES 145–153. Petersula heptagenoides sp. n. 145–146, right and left mandibles, ventral view; 147, hypopharynx and superlinguae; 148–150, tergalii I, IV and VII; 151–152, fore- and hind wings; 153, hind wing enlarged.";
dc:description"FIGURES 154–165. Petersula heptagenoides sp. n. 154, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 155–156, fore- and hind wings; 157–158, hind wings enlarged; 159–161 and 162–164, fore-, middle and hind legs of two female imagines; 165, male subimago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 209–218. Petersula courtallensis. 209, protogonostyli and protopenes of last instar male larva; 210, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female larva; 211, the same of female subimago; 212–214, fore-, middle and hind legs of female imago; 215, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 216–217, fore- and hind wings of imago; 218, fragment of forewing of another individual.";
dc:description"FIGURES 458–463. Form intermediate between Kimminsula taprobanes and K. fasciata. 458, male imago; 459, its subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 560–462, its fore-, middle and hind legs; 463, its abdomen.";
dc:description"FIGURES 673–682. Hubbardula heterolepida gen. sp. n. 673–674, male imago; 675, male subimago; 676–677, hind tibia, tarsus and claws of subimago; 678, abdomen of male imago; 679–682, fore-, middle and hind legs of male imago; 682, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum (678–681, holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 664–672. Hubbardula heterolepida gen. sp. n. 664–666 and 667–669, fore- and hind protoptera of two individuals; 670–672, fore- and hind wings (holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 166–171. Petersula heptagenoides sp. n. 166, subimaginal exuviae at boundary of abdominal sterna VII and VIII with genital opening; 167–168, male imago; 169–171, female imago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 172–181. Petersula heptagenoides sp. n. 172, apex of left penis lobe of male imago, median view; 173, the same, ventral view; 174, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female larva; 175–177, protogonostyli and protopenes of male larvae of antepenultimate, penultimate and last instars; 178, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female subimago; 179–180, penis of male imago with focus on ventral and dorsal side (gonoduct shown by dotted lines); 181, left penis and gonostylus, median view cutting line shown with dotted line). Abbreviations: gp, gonopore; pgs, protogonostylus; pp, protopenis.";
dc:description"FIGURES 182–187. Petersula spp. 182–186, Petersula heptagenoides sp. n.: 182–184, genitalia of male imago; 185, subimaginal exuviae of male genitalia; 186, subimaginal exuviae of wing; 187, the same of P. courtallensis. Abbreviations: gd, gonoduct; gs1–gs4, 1st–4th segments of gonostylus; sg, styliger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 688–693. Hubbardula heterolepida gen. sp. n. 688–692, genitalia of male imago (688, lateral view; 689–692, ventral view): 689, uromere IX with styliger and gonostyli; 690, penis with gonades; 691, styliger and bases of gonostyli; 692, general view; 693, subimaginal exuviae. Abbreviations: gs1, gs2+3, gs4, 1st–4th segments of gonostylus; sg, styliger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 694–699. Hubbardula heterolepida gen. sp. n. 694, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female subimago; 695, the same of female larva; 696, protogonostyli and protopenis of last instar male larva (dorsal view); 697, penis of male imago, ventral view; 698–699, genitalia of male imago, ventral view.Abbreviations: gs1, gs2+3, gs4, 1st–4th segments of gonostylus; m.gs, muscle of gonostylus; m.p, muscle of penis; m.s, sterno-styligeral muscle; sg, styliger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 348–368. Kimminsula fasciata. 348–354 and 355–361, tergalii I–VII of two different larvae of last instar; 362–363, fore- and hind protoptera; 364, hind protopteron enlarged; 365, hind wing; 366, posterior margin of larval abdominal tergum VI; 367, just molted last instar female larva with cuticle colorless, to show hypodermal coloration; 368, female imago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 406–412. Kimminsula taprobanes. 406–407, last instar female larva just after molt, with cuticle non-pigmented, to show hypodermal coloration; 408–410, fore- and hind protoptera of last instar larva; 411–412, fore- and hind wings of imago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 452–457. Form intermediate between Kimminsula taprobanes and K. fasciata. 452, last instar female larva just after molt, with cuticle non-pigmented, to show hypodermal coloration; 453–454, fore- and hind wings of imago; 455–457, fore- and hind protoptera of last instar larva.";
dc:description"FIGURES 539–544. Kimminsula podi sp. n. 539–540, fore- and hind wings of subimago; 541, subimaginal exuviae of wing; 542, fragment of imaginal wing extracted from subimago; 543–544, fore- and hind protoptera of immature last instar larva (541–542, holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 369–373. Kimminsula fasciata. 369, male imago; 370–371, male imago and subimago of the same individual; 372, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 373, abdominal sterna and terga of male imago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 528–538. Kimminsula podi sp. n. 528–536, male imago extracted from subimaginal cuticle (holotype): 528, subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 529–531, imaginal head and thorax; 532, imaginal abdomen; 533, subimaginal exuviae of abdomen; 534, imaginal genitalia; 535–536, fore- and hind legs of pharate imago. 537–538, fore- and hind legs of mature larva with developed hypodermal coloration.";
dc:description"FIGURES 377–382. Kimminsula fasciata. 377–378, penis of male imago with focus on ventral and dorsal sides (gonoducts shown by dotted lines); 379, protogonostyli and protopenis of last instar male larva; 380, apices of penis of male imago; 381, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female subimago; 382, the same of female larva.";
dc:description"FIGURES 413–416. Kimminsula taprobanes. 413, male imago, syntype of annulatus [Potamanthus] (picture from website of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge); 414–415, male imago and subimago of the same individual; 416, abdominal sterna and terga of male imago.";
dc:description"FIGURES 545–549. Kimminsula podi sp. n. 545–546, penis of male imago with focus on ventral and dorsal sides; 547, distal margin of styliger with bases of gonostyli; 548, posterior margin of abdominal sternum IX of female larva; 549, protogonostyli and protopenis of last instar male larva, dorsal view (545–547, holotype).";