dc:title"Morphology and phylogeny of three trachelocercids (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Karyorelictea), with description of two new species and insight into the evolution of the family Trachelocercidae";
dc:description"Figure 2. Trachelolophos quadrinucleatus sp. nov. from life (A–D, F, G) and after protargol staining (E, H–J). A, typical individual; B, C, different body shapes; D, wedge-like tail; E, H, infraciliature of anterior end, showing circumoral kinety, ciliary tuft, narrow glabrous stripe and bristle kinety; arrows point to anterior secant system forming on the left side of glabrous stripe; F, cortical granules arranged in line between somatic kineties; G, four macronuclei and two micronuclei forming a nuclear group; I, J, general infraciliature of the holotype specimen, marking single nuclear group, narrow glabrous stripe and anterior secant system forming on the left side of glabrous stripe (arrowheads). Abbreviations: BK, bristle kinety; CG, cortical granules; CK, circumoral kinety; CT, ciliary tuft; GS, glabrous stripe; Ma, macronuclei; Mi, micronuclei; NG, nuclear group; SK, somatic kineties. Scale bars: 500 μm in A–C; 200 μm in I, J.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Trachelolophos quadrinucleatus sp. nov. from life (A–G) and after protargol staining (H–M). A, typical individual; B, C, different body shapes; D, contracted cell; E, macronuclei forming a nuclear group and food vacuoles (arrows); F, wedge-shaped tail, noting food vacuoles including ingested algae (arrows); G, small colourless cortical granules arranged in line between somatic kineties (arrowheads); H, I, four macronuclei and two micronuclei forming a nuclear group; J, general infraciliature, marking single nuclear group; K, L, infraciliature of anterior end, showing circumoral kinety, ciliary tuft, narrow glabrous stripe and bristle kinety; arrowheads point to anterior secant system forming on the left side of glabrous stripe; M, infraciliature of anterior portion indicating narrow glabrous stripe, bristle kinety and anterior secant system (arrowheads). Abbreviations: BK, bristle kinety; CK, circumoral kinety; CT, ciliary tuft; GS, glabrous stripe; Ma, macronuclei; Mi, micronuclei; NG, nuclear group; NU, nucleolus; SK, somatic kineties. Scale bars: 500 μm in A–D; 200 μm in J.";
dc:description"Figure 1. Photographs of the sample site. A, an intertidal zone of a sandy beach in Qingdao (35°55′45″N, 120°12′59″E); B, an intertidal zone of a sandy beach in Daya Bay, Guangzhou (22°46′32″N, 114°40′13″E); C, a mangrove wetland in Zhanjiang (21°09′40″N, 110°25′38″E).";