dc:description"FIGURE 3. Call A of Physalaemus nattereri. Oscillograms (A, C, and E) and audiospectrograms (B, D, and F). Sequence of groups of call (A and B). A single typical call (C and D). A single call with a variant envelope (E and F). Horizontal scale bars have 0.2 s; vertical scale bars have 1 kHz. Filter bandwidth (Hz): 92.1 (F); 67.4 (B); 92.1 (D).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Multiplicity relationship between “instantaneous” dominant frequency and w of calls A of seven Physalaemus species. Each graph shows a single call A of: P. nattereri (A), P. maculiventris (B), P. erythros (C), P. rupestris (D), P. camacan (E; F), P. obtectus (G), P. irroratus (H). Grid corresponds to the harmonic values (right y-axis). Red squares are the values of “instantaneous” dominant frequency; blue circles are the values of the reciprocal of w; green triangles are the factor values of the ratio “instantaneous” dominant frequency / w reciprocal per delta time. Delta time corresponds to the duration of one period w of the measured oscillation. Note that factors around integer values suggest harmonic relationship between the frequency calculated (w reciprocal) and the dominant frequency. Factors multiple of ½ of the fundamental frequency correspond to subharmonics (see P. irroratus; H).";