dc:description"FIGURE 5. Tropicosa baguala sp. nov., male palp (MCTP 18040), a retrolateral view, b ventral, c prolateral, d copulatory bulb, retrolateral view, e ventral, f prolateral, g basal, h apical, i spinnerets. Scale bars, a–c, i 0.5 mm, d–h 0.2 mm. CMS cymbium macrosetae, E embolus, MA Median apophysis, P palea, pp pars pendula, SD seminal duct, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA terminal apophysis, TF tegular furrow, TK tegular keel, TLB tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., expanded male palp (MHNCI 1371-1377), a apical view, b ventral, c dorsal, d prolateral. Scale bars, a–d 0.5 mm. BH basal hematodocha, DC dorsal channel, DH distal hematodocha, E embolus, MA median apophysis, pp pars pendula, SD seminal duct, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA, terminal apophysis, TLB tegular lobe, TK tegular keel, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19. Tropicosa moesta (Holmberg, 1876), comb. nov., male palp (MCTP 35786), a retrolateral, b ventral, c prolateral, d copulatory bulb, retrolateral, e ventral, f prolateral, g posterior, h apical, i stridulatory organ. Scale bars, a–h 0.2mm, i 0.1mm. CMS cymbium macroseta, DC dorsal channel, E embolus, MA median apophysis P palea, pp pars pendula, S scrapper, SD seminal duct, SF stridulatory file, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA, terminal apophysis, TK tegular keel, TLB tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Tropicosa baguala sp. nov., female genitalia (MCTP 18025), a epigyne, ventral view, b vulva, dorsal view, c epigyne, lateral view, d epigyne, anterior view, e epigyne, posterior view. Scale bars, a–e 1 mm. BLP bud-like projection, FD fertilization duct, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 22. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., female genitalia (MCTP 37826), a epigyne, ventral, b vulva dorsal, c epigyne, prolateral, d epigyne, apical, e epigyne, ventral clarified f epigyne, posterior. Scale bars, a–f 0.2 mm. CD copulatory duct, CO copulatory opening, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, SS stalk of spermathecae, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 28. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., male palp (MUSM 500229), a retrolateral, b ventral, c prolateral d copulatory bulb, retrolateral, e ventral, f prolateral, g posterior, h apical, i dorsal. Scale bars, a–c 0.5 mm, d–i 0.3 mm. CMS cymbium macrosetae, DC dorsal channel, E embolus, MA median apophysis, P palea, pp pars pendula, SD seminal duct, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA terminal apophysis, TK tegular keel, TLB tegualr lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., copulatory bulb (MHNCI 1371-1377), a retrolateral view, b ventral, c prolateral, d basal, e apical, f stridulatory organ. Scale bars, a–e 0.2mm, f 0.1mm. E embolus, MA median apophysis, P palea, pp pars pendula, S scrapper, SD seminal duct, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA, terminal apophysis, TDF tibial distal file, TF tegular furrow, TLB tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 25. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., copulatory bulb (ICN-Ar 12813), a retrolateral, b ventral, c prolateral, d posterior, e apical, f cymbium apical setae. Scale bars, a–f 0.2 mm. CMS cymbium macrosetae, E embolus, MA median apophysis, P palea, pp pars pendula, ST subtegulum, STA subterminal apophysis, T tegulum, TA terminal apophysis, TLB tegualr lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Tropicosa moesta (Holmberg, 1876), comb. nov., female (MCTP 10059), a epigyne, ventral view, b vulva, dorsal view, c epigyne, prolateral view, d apical, e spinnerets, ventral view, f epigyne, posterior view. Scale bars, a–d, f 0.2 mm. ALS anterior lateral spinneret, CD copulatory duct, CO copulatory opening, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 21. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., female genitalia (MCTP 37826), a epigyne, ventral, b vulva dorsal, c epigyne, prolateral, d epigyne, apical, e epigyne, posterior. Scale bars, a–e 1 mm. BS base of spermathecae, CO copulatory opening, FD fertilization duct, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., female (MHNCI 1371-1377), a habitus, dorsal, b spinnerets, lateral view, c habitus, lateral, d spinnerets, ventral view, e habitus, ventral, f tarsus I, lateral view. Scale bars, a, c, e 2mm, b, d 0.2 mm, f 0.5mm. ANT anal tubercule, ALS anterior lateral spinneret, PLS posterior lateral spinneret.";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., female (MCTP 37826), a habitus, dorsal, b frontal, c lateral, d tarsus I, ventral, e habitus, ventral, f tarsus IV ventral. Scale bars, a, c, e 2mm, b 1mm, d, f 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 26. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., male (ICN-Ar-12813), a habitus, dorsal, b frontal, c lateral, d labium, endite and chelicerae, e habitus, ventral f stridulatory organ. Scale bars, a–d 0.2 mm, f 0.1mm. S scrapper, TDF tibial distal file.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Tropicosa baguala sp. nov., male (MCTP 18040), a habitus, dorsal, b frontal, c lateral, d pars cephalica, e ventral, f tarsus I, ventral, g tarsus IV, ventral. Scale bars, a–c, i 0.5 mm, a, c, e 2 mm, b 1 mm, d, f, g 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Tropicosa moesta (Holmberg, 1876), comb. nov., male (MCTP 35786), a habitus, dorsal, b frontal, c lateral, d labium and endites, e habitus, ventral, f stridulatory organ. Scale bars, a, c, e 2mm, b 1mm, d 0.5mm, f 0.1mm. S scrapper, TDF tibial distal file.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., female genitalia (MHNCI 1371-1377), a epigyne, ventral view, b vulva, dorsal view, c epigyne, lateral view, d epigyne, apical view, e epigyne, posterior view, f female sternum. Scale bars, a–e 0.2 mm, f 1mm. CO copulatory opening, FD fertilization duct, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, SS stalk of spermatheca, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Tropicosa moesta (Holmberg, 1876), comb. nov., female (MCTP 10059), a habitus, dorsal view, b frontal, c lateral, d tarsus I, ventral view, e habitus, ventral view, f tarsus IV, ventral view. Scale bars, a, c, e 2mm, b 1mm, d, f 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., male (MHNCI 1371-1377), a habitus, dorsal view, b frontal, c lateral, d spinnerets, ventral view e habitus, ventral view, f tarsus I, lateral view. Scale bars, a, c, e 2mm b 1mm, d 0.2mm, f 0.5mm. ALS anterior lateral spinneret, LMB longitudinal median band, PLS posterior lateral spinneret, SB submarginal band.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Tropicosa baguala sp. nov., male palp (MCTP 18040), a retrolateral view, b ventral, c prolateral, d copulatory bulb, retrolateral view, e ventral, f prolateral, g apical. Scale bars, a–g 1 mm. CMS cymbium macrosetae, E embolus, MA Median apophysis, P palea, SD sperm duct, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA terminal apophysis, TF tegular furrow, TK tegular keel, TLB tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., copulatory bulb (MHNCI 1371-1377), a ventral view, b retrolateral, c prolateral, d apical. Scale bars, a–d 1mm. E embolus, MA median apophysis, P palea, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA, terminal apophysis, TL tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Tropicosa chelifasciata (Mello-Leit„o, 1943), comb. nov., female genitalia (MHNCI 1371-1377), a epigyne, ventral view, b vulva, dorsal view, c epigyne, lateral view, d epigyne, posterior view, e epigyne, apical view. Scale bars, a–e 1 mm. BS base of spermathecae, CO copulatory opening, FD fertilization duct, H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum, TS transversal septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 27. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., female (MUSM 504130), a habitus, frontal, b epigyne ventral, c sternum, d vulva dorsal, e labium, endites and chelicerae, f epigyne posterior. Scale bars, a, c e 0.5mm, b, d, f 0.3mm. H hood, HS head of spermatheca, MS median septum.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Tropicosa baguala sp. nov., female genitalia (MCTP 18025), a epigyne, ventral view, b vulva, dorsal view, c epigyne, anterior view, d epigyne, posterior view, e epigyne, lateral view, f spinnerets. Scale bars, a–e 0.1 mm, f 0.2 mm. BLP bud-like projection, CD copulatory duct, CO copulatory opening.";
dc:description"FIGURE 18. Tropicosa moesta (Holmberg, 1876), comb. nov., male palp (MCTP 37790), a retrolateral, b ventral, c prolateral, d copulatory bulb, retrolateral, e ventral, f prolateral, g apical. Scale bars, a–g 1mm. CMS cymbium macroseta, MA median apophysis, P palea, SD seminal duct, STA subterminal apophysis, TA, terminal apophysis, TK tegular keel, TLB tegular lobe, VP ventral process.";
dc:description"FIGURE 24. Tropicosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877), comb. nov., copulatory bulb (ICN-Ar 12813), a ventral, b prolateral, c retrolateral, d apical. Scale bars, a–d 1mm. E embolus, MA median apophysis, P palea, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TA terminal apophysis, TK tegular keel, TLB tegualr lobe, VP ventral process.";