dc:title"Paraphelliactis tangi n. sp. and Phelliactis yapensis n. sp., two new deep-sea species of Hormathiidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from a seamount in the tropical Western Pacific";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Distribution of Paraphelliactis tangi n. sp. and Phelliactis yapensis n. sp. as well as their congeners in the Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. External morphology of Phelliactis yapensis n. sp. A. The holotype together with a paratype (Y 30040) grasped the basalia of spongy pheronematid (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Amphidiscophora) in situ. B. Lateral view of the holotype. C. The other paratype (Y 30064) attached to body of Aphrocallistidae (Porifera: Hexactinellida, Hexactinosida) in situ. D. Two individuals photographed near the holotype are likely conspecific to Phelliactis yapensis. Scale bar = 40 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Internal anatomy of the holotype of Phelliactis yapensis n. sp. A. Cross section of a tentacle, showing aborally thickened mesogloea (M). B. Longitudinal section through part of marginal sphincter muscle (S). C. Cross section of mesenteries. R, retractors. Numbers indicate the cycles of mesenteries. D. Diagram of mesentery arrangement. Numbers indicate the cycles of mesenteries. D, directive mesentery pairs. Arrows indicate perfect mesenteries in the second cycle. Dots indicate undeveloped mesenteries. Asterisk indicates an additional mesentery pair in the fifth cycle. E. Transverse section through the oral disc of the holotype, note much thicker mesogloea over an endocoel (arrow). Scale bars = 0.5 mm (A – C, E).";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Cnidae from Phelliactis yapensis n. sp. Tentacles: A. Robust spirocyst. B. Gracile spirocyst. C. Basitrich. D. Basitrich. Column: E. Basitrich. F. Basitrich. Actinopharynx: G. Basitrich. H. Basitrich. I. Microbasic p - mastigophore. Filament: J. Basitrich. K. Basitrich. L. Basitrich. M. Microbasic p - mastigophore. Acontia: N. Basitrich. O. Basitrich. Scale bar = 20 µm.";