dc:description"FIGURE 9. Leiostegiidae gen. et sp. indet. A–C, E–I come from sample GOY/97; and D comes from sample GOY/109.2. A, H, I, CPC42236, partial pygidium; A, dorsal view; H, lateral view; I, posterior view. B, CPC42237, partial pygidium. C, CPC42238, partial pygidium. D, CPC42239, partial pygidium. E, CPC42240, partial pygidium. F, CPC42241, partial pygidium.G, CPC42242, partial pygidium.All scale bars are 2 mm, except B, H = 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Generalised lithostratigraphy and taxon ranges through the Goyder Formation at the GOY section. Sampled horizons are indicated on the right side of the section, with sample numbers representing tape meterage along the section line (see Fig.2). Measurements on the left side of the section are in meters (true thickness) from the base of the Goyder Formation. SF = Shannon Formation, PSS = Pacoota Sandstone. Solid black circles represent the occurrences of taxa present in the GOY section. Hollow circles represent the approximate stratigraphic occurrences of taxa found at nearby spot localities. Ranges of taxa found only atspot localities approximate, and has been inferred using lithological, faunal and geographical information.";