dc:description"FIGURE 91. (a–c) surface scan images of left I1–3 of P. dawsonae sp. nov. AM F69835 in (a) occlusal, (b) buccal/lateral, and (c) anterior views; and (d) partial right cranium of P. dawsonae sp. nov. holotype AM F161915 in right lateral view, showing M1–4, maxilla, and partial lacrimal, frontal, palatine, and jugal.";
dc:description"FIGURE 92. upper dentition of P. dawsonae sp. nov.: right DP2–M2 of SAMA P50399 in (a) buccal, (b) lingual, and (c) occlusal views; (d) right M1–4 of holotype AM F161915 in occlusal view; (e) left P3 of AM F161923 in occlusal view; and right P3 (removed from crypt) of SAMA P50399 in (f) lingual, (g) occlusal, and (h) buccal views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 93. dentaries and right lower dentition of P. dawsonae sp. nov.: mandible (re-associated dentaries) AM F69858 (right dentary) andAM F69859 (left dentary) in (a) occlusal, and (b) ventral views; right dentary AM F69858 in (c) buccal, and (d) lingual views, and (e) lingual view of i1; and p3–m4 of AM F69858 in (f) occlusal, (g) buccal, and (h) lingual views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 94. vertebrae of P. dawsonae sp. nov.: partial axis vertebra AM F161920 in (a) left lateral, (b) cranial, and (c) dorsal views; partial axis vertebra AM F161914 in (d) right lateral, and (e) caudal views; and (f–g) lumbar vertebra L2? AM F161918 in (f) cranial, and (g) lateral views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 95. caudal vertebra Ca2? of P. dawsonae sp. nov. AM F161911 in (a) lateral, (b) dorsal, and (c) cranial views.(d–f) partial pelvis, predominantly ilium and caudal component of ischium, of P. dawsonae sp. nov. UCMP 156881 in: (d) caudal, (e) lateral, and (f) medial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 96. partial calcanei of P. dawsonae sp. nov.: (a–e) surface scan images of partial left calcaneus AM F106042 in (a) dorsal, (b) plantar, (c) medial, (d) cranial, and (e) caudodorsal views; and (f) right calcaneus AM F161913 in dorsal view. AM F161913 is dorsoplantarly crushed, the tuberosity is warped medially, and it remains partially embedded in matrix and bone fragments, visible on the medial margin of the tuberosity.";
dc:description"FIGURE 97. pedal elements of P. dawsonae sp. nov.: (a) surface scan image of partial right metatarsal IV AM F106039 in dorsal view; (b–c) surface scan images of partial left metatarsal IV of AM F106041 in (b) proximal, and (c) lateral views; (d–h) surface scan images of left metatarsal V of AM F106040 in (d) dorsal, (e) plantar, (f) lateral, (g) medial, and (h) proximal views; and (i–k) partial right proximal pedal phalanx IV of AM F161916 in (i) dorsal, (j) medial, and (k) plantar views.";