dc:creator"De Oliveira, Luiz Fernando M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos";
dc:title"Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of ghost spiders of the genus Tafana Simon, 1903 (Araneae: Dionycha, Anyphaenidae), with the descriptions of twelve new species";
dc:description"Fig. 9. A, C–D. Tafana silhavyi (Caporiacco, 1955), ♂ (MNHN 11312). A. Left palp unexpanded, ventral view (arrow indicating character). C. Left palp expanded, prolateral view. D. Left palp expanded, retrolateral view (arrow indicating character). B. Tafana riveti (MCZ), ♂, left palp. E–F. Tafana riveti (MCZ), ♂. E. Left palp, retrolateral view. F. Left palp, prolateral view (arrow indicating character). Abbreviations: 1= primary loop of the sperm duct; 2= secondary loop of the sperm duct; ABE=apophysis of base of the embolus; BH =basal haematodocha; C=cymbium; Ch =character; E =embolus; EP=embolic process; F = fundus; MA=median apophysis; MH= median haematodocha; P=petiole; SD = sperm duct; ST =subtegulum; T=tegulum. Scale bars: A–B, E–F =0.25 mm; C–D=0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 23. Tafana silhavyi (Caporiacco, 1955), ♂ (MNHN 13312). A. Left palp, ventral view. B. Left palp, frontal view. C. Left palp, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: ABE =apophysis of base of the embolus; C =cymbium; E= embolus; MA=median apophysis; RP=retrolateral projection; RTA=retrolateral tibial apophysis; T =tegulum. Scale bars: A, C =0.4 mm; B=0.2 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 26. Tafana maracay sp. nov. (A–C, F =♂, MNHN 11314; D–E =♀, MNHN 11314). A. Left palp, ventral view (arrow indicating character). B. Left palp, ventral view. C. Left palp, retrolateral view. D. Vulva, dorsal view. E. Vulva, dorsal view, details of spermathecae. F. Chelicerae, ventral view. Abbreviations:ABE =apophysis of base of the embolus; bTP=basal tegular protuberance; C=cymbium; CD =copulatory ducts; CG=cuticular glands; Ch =character; CO =copulatory opening; E =embolus; FD = fertilization ducts; GD =gland ducts; H =hood; MA =median apophysis; RP=retrolateral projection; RTA =retrolateral tibial apophysis; S1= primary spermathecae; S2 =secondary spermathecae; ST = subtegulum; T= tegulum; VTP=ventral tegular process. Scale bars: A, C, F =0.5 mm; B =0.3 mm; D =0.1 mm; E =0.03 mm.";