dc:description"FIGURES 1 – 6. Helicopsyche megalochari Malicky 1974, final instar larva. 1, Head, dorsal (small white and black numbers: right setal positions # 1 – 17 on the frontoclypeus and the right parietal—for setal positions # 5, 15 and 16, only setal bases are visible, the setae are missing; white arrows: left dorsolateral carina). 2, Head, right dorsolateral (black arrow: right antenna; white arrows: right dorsolateral carina). 3, Head, right lateral. 4, Head, ventral. 5, Left mandible, dorsal. 6, Right mandible, dorsal. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 34 – 40. Helicopsyche spp. 34 – 37, Helicopsyche sperata McLachlan 1876 a, final instar larva: 34, head, dorsal; 35, head, right lateral; 36, right propleuron, right lateral; 37, head, ventral. 38, Collecting site where larvae of H. sperata were attached to the lower surfaces of stones several meters downstream of a spring outlet at Agra (Tessino, Switzerland). 39 – 40, Helicopsyche lusitanica McLachlan 1884, final instar larva (redrawn after Vieira-Lanero et al. 2001): 39, right propleuron, right lateral; 40, submentum, ventral. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 7 – 14. Helicopsyche megalochari Malicky 1974, final instar larva. 7, Head, pro- and mesonota, dorsal. 8, Metanotum, dorsal (sa 1 – sa 3: setal areas 1 – 3; black arrow: gland opening). 9, Left foreleg, anterior face (black arrow: anterior process of propleuron). 10, Left midleg, anterior face. 11, Left hind leg, anterior face. 12, Abdominal segment I, right lateral. 13, Detail of right lateral line of abdominal segment VI showing 4 lamella-shaped setae. 14, Detail of right lateral line of abdominal segment VIII showing 11 tubercula. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";