dc:description"Text-fig. 8. Lanfrancia subglobosa E.REID et M.CHANDLER. a–c, e–g: Holotype V. 23014. a: reflected light. b, c: Surface renderings from micro-CT data. a, b: Lateral views with dorsal surface of locule facing forward and locule casts protruding in upper part. c: Apical view. d: Fruit showing two locule casts the dorsal surfaces of which face to the left and the right, V. 30417(1). e–g:Successive digital transverse sections showing four u to v to c-shaped locules from micro-CT data. h: Physical transverse section of specimen in (d). i–k: Physical transverse section, V. 30419 from Herne Bay, blue lines in K indicating limits of fibre layer lining the locule. l: Detail from (h), showing sclerenchyma composing the septa and central axis. m: Transverse section, enlargement from (i), showing anatomy of tissues adjacent to the dorsal infold. Blue lines indicate limits of the fibre layer lining the locule. n: Part of (m) recut, tangential section transecting the dorsal infold (central), both limbs of the locule cast, and peripheral parts of the pericarp on either side. o: Detail from (n), showing anatomy of the infold. Scale bars 5mm in (a–h) (a–g share the same bar), 3mm in (i), 1mm in (j–m), 0.5mm in (n), 0.2mm in (o).";