dc:description"Fig. 38. Tolteca hesperia (Gertsch, 1982), male from Mexico, Sinaloa, S of Rosario (ZFMK Ar 23953). A–B. Chelicerae, frontal and lateral views. C. Left palpal tarsus and procursus, retrolateral view. D–F. Left genital bulb, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 44. Tolteca spp., male chelicerae, frontal and lateral views, and left male palpal tarsi and procursi, retrolateral views. A–C. T. manzanillo Huber sp. nov., paratype from Mexico, Colima, E of Manzanillo (ZFMK Ar 23958).D–F. T. sinnombre Huber sp. nov., holotype from Mexico, Colima, S of Coquimatlán (LATLAX). G–I. T. huahua Huber sp. nov., paratype from Mexico, Michoacán, W of Huahua (ZFMK Ar 23957). Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 41. Tolteca hesperia (Gertsch, 1982), male and female from Mexico, Sinaloa, 3 km S of Rosario (ZFMK Ar23953 and Mex253). A. Male chelicerae, lateral view. B. Male right chelicera, frontal view. C. Left male palp, distal view. D. Right genital bulb (and procursus), dorso-distal view. E. Detail of male palpal tarsus showing position of tarsal organ (arrow). F. Male palpal tarsal organ. G. Female palpal tarsal organ. H. Male ALS and PMS. Abbreviations: b = genital bulb; fe = femur; p = procursus. Scale bars: A, C–D = 20 µm; B, E–F = 10 µm; G = 1 µm; H = 2 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 46. Tolteca manzanillo Huber sp. nov.; male from Mexico, Colima, 17 km E of Manzanillo (ZFMK Ar 23958). A. Right palp, retrolateral-distal view. B. Left palp, retrolateral-dorsal view. C–D. Palpal tarsal organ.E. Tarsal organ on tarsus 2.F. Lateral face of right chelicera, showing absence of stridulatory file. G. Gonopore. H. ALS. Abbreviations: b = genital bulb; p = procursus. Scale bars: A–B, F = 20 µm; C–D = 2 µm; E = 1 µm; G–H = 10 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 43. Tolteca jalisco (Gertsch, 1982), females from Mexico, Jalisco, N of La Quemada (ZFMK Ar 23956). A–D. Epigyna, ventral (A, C) and lateral (B, D) views; arrows point at anterior knob-shaped structure. E–G. Cleared female genitalia, ventral (E) and dorsal (F) views, and detail of median internal structures (G); arrows point at membranous sacs (cf. Fig. 55C). Abbreviations: ep = epigynum (main epigynal plate); pep = posterior epigynal plate. Scale bars: A–D = 0.2 mm; E–F = 0.1 mm; G = 0.05 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 45. Tolteca manzanillo Huber sp. nov., females from Mexico, Colima, E of Manzanillo (ZFMK Ar 23958). A–D. Epigyna, ventral (A, C) and lateral (B, D) views. E–G. Cleared female genitalia, ventral (E) and dorsal (F) views, and detail of median internal structures (G). Arrows point at anterior epigynal knob. Asterisk: membranous sac (cf. Fig. 55E). Scale bars: A–D = 0.2 mm; E, F = 0.1 mm; G = 0.05 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 51. Tolteca oaxaca Huber sp. nov., male paratype from Mexico, Oaxaca, N of San Pedro Totolapa (ZFMK Ar 23961). A–B. Chelicerae, frontal and lateral views. C. Left palpal tarsus and procursus, retrolateral view. D–F. Left genital bulb, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 36. Tolteca Huber, 2000 live specimens. A–B. T. hesperia (Gertsch, 1982), male and female with egg-sac from Mexico, Sinaloa, S of Rosario. C–D. T. jalisco (Gertsch, 1982), females with egg-sacs from Mexico, Jalisco, N of La Quemada. E–F. T. manzanillo Huber sp. nov., male and female with egg-sac from Mexico, Colima, E of Manzanillo. G–H. T. sinnombre Huber sp. nov., male and female from Mexico, Colima, S of Coquimatlán. I–J. T. huahua Huber sp. nov., male and female from Mexico, Michoacán, W of Huahua. K–L. T. oaxaca Huber sp. nov., male and female with egg-sac from Mexico, Oaxaca, NW of Tehuantepec.";
dc:description"Fig. 54. Tolteca oaxaca Huber sp. nov., female from Mexico, Oaxaca, 3 km N of San Pedro Totolapa (ZFMK Mex362).A. Epigynum, ventral view (arrow: knob-shaped structure). B. Knob-shaped structure between epigynum and pedicel. C. ALS and PMS. D. Prolateral trichobothrium on tibia 3. E. Palpal tarsal organ. F. Tarsal organ on tarsus 2. G. Tip of left tarsus 2, retrolateral view. H. Tip of right tarsus 4, prolateral view, showing comb hair (arrow). Abbreviations: ep = epigynum (main epigynal plate); pep = posterior epigynal plate. Scale bars: A = 100 µm; B–D, G–H = 10 µm; E–F = 2 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 42. Tolteca hesperia (Gertsch, 1982), male and female from Mexico, Sinaloa, 3 km S of Rosario (ZFMK Ar23953 and Mex253). A. Male tibia 1, prolateral view. B. Male tibia 1, retrolateral view. C. Sexually dimorphic short vertical hair on male tibia 1. D. ‘Regular’ short vertical hair on male metatarsus 1. E. Tip of ‘regular’ short vertical hair, detail of preceding image. F. Male metatarsustarsus 1 joint, retrolateral-dorsal view. G. Tarsal organ on female tarsus 1. H. Tip of left male tarsus 2, retrolateral view. Scale bars: A–B, F, H = 10 µm; C–D, G = 2 µm; E = 1 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 55. Tolteca Huber, 2000 internal female genitalia, median section of main transversal internal sclerite. A–B. T. hesperia (Gertsch, 1982); females from Mexico, Sinaloa, S of Rosario (ZFMK Ar 23953). C. T. jalisco (Gertsch, 1982), female from Mexico, Jalisco, N of La Quemada (ZFMK Ar 23956). D. T. huahua Huber sp. nov., female from Mexico, Michoacán, W of Huahua (ZFMK Ar 23957). E. T. manzanillo Huber sp. nov., female from Mexico, Colima, E of Manzanillo (ZFMK Ar 23958). F. T. sinnombre Huber sp. nov., female from Mexico, Colima, S of Coquimatlán (ZFMK Ar 23960). G–H. T. oaxaca Huber sp. nov., females from Mexico, Oaxaca, N of San Pedro Totolapa (ZFMK Ar 23961). Scale bar = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Relationships of Pholcophora Banks, 1896 and Tolteca Huber, 2000 derived from analysis of molecular data using IQ-Tree and the ClipKIT gappy trimming strategy. Newly generated CO1 sequences (codes starting with N) were combined with data from Eberle et al. (2018) (all other codes). Numbers on the branches are SH-aLRT supports (%). The tree shows only the ingroups and the Ninetinae outgroups. Clade colours are as in Figs 2 and 35. For the complete tree, and for clade support using different alignment strategies, see Supp. file 1: Fig. S76. Photos on the right from top to bottom: Tolteca manzanillo Huber sp. nov.; Papiamenta savonet Huber, 2000; Pholcophora papanoa Huber sp. nov.";
dc:description"Fig. 56. Representative sample of habitats of Tolteca Huber, 2000 in Mexico. A. Sinaloa, 3 km S of Rosario (T. hesperia (Gertsch, 1982)). B. Colima, 17 km E of Manzanillo (type locality of T. manzanillo Huber sp. nov.; showing collection method). C–D. Oaxaca, 3 km N of San Pedro Totolapa (type locality of P. oaxaca Huber sp. nov.; overview and spot with high abundance of specimens).";