dc:description"FIGURE 12. Clarkcomanthus. (A – F) Clarkcomanthus mirabilis— (A – D) live, on reef, fully exposed (A, C) or semicryptic (B, D), illustrating color variations; (E – F) aboral surface, showing different color patterns and small, acirrate centrodorsal. (G – M) Clarkcomanthus alternans— (G, H, I, K) live, exposed on reef, (J, L) aboral views, showing small centrodorsal with no cirri, exposed radials, and overlapping division series and arm bases, (M) aboral view of small specimen with larger centrodorsal bearing few cirri and covering most of radials, and fewer non-overlapping arms. Madang, Papua New Guinea: A. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8158; B. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8111; C. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8162; E. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8086; F. not vouchered, SIO-BIC E 5973 (DNA subsample); G. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8180; I. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8055; J. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8173; K. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8173; L. not vouchered, SIO-BIC E 5968 (DNA subsample). Timor: D. AM J. 25411. Raja Ampat, Indonesia: H. not vouchered (RA 226); M. SIO- BIC E 6219.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Clarkcomanthus. (A – J) Clarkcomanthus albinotus— (A) live, oral view following extraction from rubble; (B) semicryptic under ledge; (C – H) aboral views; (I – J) short combs tapering near tip, with J showing paired confluent comb teeth. (K – L) Clarkcomanthus luteofuscum, aboral surface showing rounded centrodorsal with row of cirri. (M – N) Clarkcomanthus cf. littoralis — (M) aboral surface showing centrodorsal with no cirri; (N) comb with separated confluent teeth, smaller near tip. (O – R) Clarkcomanthus comanthipinnus— (O, P) live, oral view following extraction from rubble; (Q) aboral surfaces showing rounded centrodorsal with few cirri at interradials; (R) comb tapering to distal point, composed of separated nonconfluent teeth. (S – T) Clarkcomanthus mirus— (S) aboral surface showing centrodorsal with cirrus buds at interradials; (T) comb tapering to blunt tip, composed of separated nonconfluent teeth. Madang, Papua New Guinea: A. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8060; B, C. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8122; D. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8068; K. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8184; O. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8082; P. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8151. Raja Ampat, Indonesia: E. SIO-BIC E 6186; F. SIO-BIC E 6187; G, I. SIO-BIC E 6190; L. SIO-BIC E 6210; M, N. SIO-BIC E 6193. South Island, near Lizard Island, Australia: H, J. AM J 17360; holotype. Lizard Island, Australia: Q-R. AM J 16992, holotype; S, T. AM J 17202, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Maximum likelihood tree of Clarkcomanthus inferred from COI. Symbols, location abbreviations, and labels as in Figure 2. New COI sequences are Genbank KR 010190 - KR 010244.";