dc:description"FIG. 1. (A) The blue mainland male throat of C. decresii sensu stricto and (B) the blue reticulated with yellow throat found on Kangaroo Island. The four male throat morphs of Ctenophorus modestus: (D) orange, (E) yellow, (F) orange-yellow (yellow with an orange central patch), and (G) gray. Male dorsolateral patterning and coloration differ where (C) C. decresii sensu stricto has a more ‘‘pinched’’ or broken lateral stripe with a greater extent of bordering orange or yellow coloration, and (H) C. modestus has a relatively straight edged lateral stripe with cream and orange coloration terminating at the shoulder.";
dc:description"FIG. 4. Males (A, C) and females (B, D) of Ctenophorus decresii (A, B) from Palmer and Mengler’s Hill Lookout, respectively, and C. modestus (C, D) from Telowie Gorge, all from South Australia, Australia (photos: copyright Adam Elliott).";
dc:description"FIG. 5. (A) Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) photographs of the lectotype of Ctenophorus decresii (Duméril and Bibron, 1837; MNHN 6545). This specimen is an adult male collected from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, in January 1803 (photos: Nicolas Vidal, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris). (B) Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) photographs of the lectotype of Ctenophorus modestus (Ahl, 1926; ZMB 54516). This specimen is a subadult male from ‘‘Australien’’ without an exact locality or reference to a collector or donor (photos: Frank Tillack, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin).";
dc:description"FIG. 2. Genetic divergence between Ctenophorus modestus (northern Flinders Ranges [NFR], southern Flinders Ranges [SFR], Olary Ranges [OR]) and C. decresii (mainland south [MS] which encompasses the Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula, and Kangaroo Island [KI]) and specimens examined for morphological analyses. (A) Results of a Bayesian analysis of ancestry in the program STRUCTURE (K ¼ 2). Each vertical bar represents an individual and individuals are ordered by population and latitude (from north to south). The proportion of white and gray represents the proportion of C. modestus and C. decresii ancestry in each individual, respectively. (B) Two-dimensional principal coordinate plot (PCoA) showing pairwise genetic distances between individuals: Ctenophorus modestus (squares), C. decresii (circles). 95% confidence ellipses of each population are shown. Both A and B were constructed from a genomic SNP dataset of 1333 SNPs (n ¼ 148). (C) Map showing geographic locations of samples of C. modestus and C. decresii shown in A and B.";
dc:description"FIG. 3. (A) Map showing localities of examined museum specimens: Ctenophorus modestus (squares); C. decresii sensu stricto (circles); C. fionni (triangles); and C. vadnappa (plus [þ]). Specimens without GPS coordinates are excluded. (B–C) Linear discriminant analyses of (A) males and (B) females based on 23 variables: Ctenophorus modestus (squares); C. decresii (circles); C. fionni (triangles); and C. vadnappa (plus [þ]). 95% confidence ellipses are shown. The lectotypes (males) and paralectotypes (females) of C. modestus and C. decresii are indicated with arrows.";
dc:description"FIG. 6. Geographic distribution of Ctenophorus modestus (squares) and C. decresii (circles) based on specimens in Australian Museums from the Atlas of Living Australia (data: https://doi.org/10.26197/ 5d91626857226); coordinates which were likely inaccurate (e.g., unsuitable habitat) were removed. Protected areas described in the Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD, 2018) are shown as gray areas. The extent of occurrence is shown for C. modestus (49,102 km2; orange lines) and C. decresii (6,604 km2 total [mainland: 5,772 km2; Kangaroo Island: 832 km2], blue lines).";