dc:description"Fig. 1. Localities of species in the Liphistius birmanicus-group in northern Thailand, eastern Myanmar and southern China. Blue lines indicate major rivers, black lines national borders, grey lines major roads.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Habitus of some species of the Liphistius birmanicus-group. (A) Liphistius tung sp. nov., male holotype.(B) Liphistius pyinoolwin, male (matured 1.X.2014) from the Anisakan Falls; note exuviae of ectoparasitic mites (Ljunghia sp.) on the opisthosoma. (C) Liphistius platnicki sp. nov., female paratype (moulted 10.III.2021) from near Loi Kan Village. (D, F) Liphistius cupreus sp. nov., male paratype from near Kong Nyaung Village. (E) Same species, different male paratype. (G) Same species, female paratype (moulted 13.II.2021). (H-I) Same species, different female paratype (moulted 21.V.2021). Not to scale.";
dc:description"Fig. 21. Liphistius cupreus sp. nov., palps of three males; holotype (A-D, H-J, L-N), paratype matured end VI.2018 (E-G), paratype matured mid VI.2018 (K). (A) Left tarsus and palpal organ, ventral view. (B) Left paracymbium and distal margin of tibia, retrolateral view. (C) Distal part of left tibia, ventral view. (D) Same, retrolateral and slightly proximal view. (E) Left palpal organ, distal view (dorsal side up). (F) Dorsal part of left contrategulum and embolus proper, distal and slightly ventral view. (G) Dorsal part of left contrategulum, distal and slightly dorsal view. (H) Left contrategulum, distal and slightly ventral view. (I) Right contrategulum, same view. (J) Part of left palpal organ, retroventral view; slightly bent proximal edge of tegulum indicated by arrow. (K) Right palpal organ, retrolateral and slightly distal view. (L) Left palpal organ and distal margin of tarsus, dorsal and slightly proximal view. (M) Left palpal organ, retrolateral and slightly distal view. (N) Left palpal organ and distal margin of tarsus, prodorsal and slightly proximal view. Scale lines 1.0 mm (A-B, E-N; C-D). Abbreviation: a - angular prodorsal protrusion at base of distal edge of contrategulum.";
dc:description"Fig. 23. Liphistius platnicki sp. nov., palps of three males; holotype (A-D, H-J, M), paratype matured 26.VII.2019 (E-G), paratype matured 8.VIII.2016 (K-L). (A) Left tarsus and palpal organ, ventral view. (B) Left paracymbium and distal margin of tibia, retrolateral view. (C) Distal part of left tibia, ventral view. (D) Same, retrolateral and slightly proximal view. (E) Left palpal organ, distal view (dorsal side up). (F) Dorsal part of left contrategulum and embolus proper, distal and slightly ventral view. (G) Dorsal part of left contrategulum, distal and slightly dorsal view. (H) Left palpal organ and distal margin of tarsus, prodorsal and slightly proximal view. (I) Same, dorsal and slightly proximal view. (J) Same, retrolateral and slightly distal view. (K) Left palpal organ, retrolateral view. (L) Tegulum and nearby parts of right palpal organ, same view. (M) Part of left palpal organ, retroventral view; elevated distal edge of tegulum indicated by short arrow, straight, salient proximal tegular edge indicated by long arrow. Scale lines 1.0 mm (A-B; C-D; E-M).";