dc:description"Figure 49. Holotype female of Clubiona menglun sp. nov. epigyne (A-E) and habitus (F, G) A intact, ventral view B cleared, ventral view C cleared, ventral view D cleared, dorsal view E cleared, dorsal view F dorsal view G ventral view. Abbreviations: BS = bursa; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilisation duct; SP = spermatheca. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (equal for A-E); 1 mm (equal for F, G).";
dc:description"Figure 78. Clubiona spp. of the C. trivialis group (A-D) and the C. filicata group (E, F), epigyne, intact, ventral view A C. cheni B C. menglun sp. nov., holotype C C. subasrevida D C. subquebecana E C. banna sp. nov., paratype F C. melanosticta. Abbreviations: A = atrium; CO = copulatory opening. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 86. Clubiona spp. of the C. trivialis group (A-D) and the C. filicata group (E, F), epigyne, cleared, ventral view A C. cheni B C. menglun sp. nov., holotype C C. subasrevida D C. subquebecana E C. banna sp. nov., paratype F C. melanosticta. Abbreviations: A = atrium; CO = copulatory opening. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 94. Clubiona spp. of the C. trivialis group (A-D) and the C. filicata group (E, F), vulva, cleared, dorsal view A C. cheni B C. menglun sp. nov., holotype C C. subasrevida D C. subquebecana E C. banna sp. nov., paratype F C. melanosticta. Abbreviations: BS = bursa; CD = copulatory duct; FD = fertilisation duct; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; SP = spermatheca; SS = spermathecal stalk. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";