dc:description"FIGURE 4. Adult morphology and reproduction of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait (in life). A, complete individual, dorsal view, showing white gatherings of glandular cells on dorsal side of median chaetigers. B, anterior end, dorsal view, showing small spots of ochre pigment on chaetigers 4 and 5. C, posterior end, dorsal view. D, E, part of egg capsules brooded by female inside burrow in a shell of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera. Scale bars: A = 0.3 mm, B, C = 0.1 mm, D, E = 0.5 mm. A−E—MIMB 42695.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Adult morphology of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait. A, B, palps with black bands on sides of frontal groove. C, anterior end, left lateral view.D, female fertile chaetigers, left lateral view, showing nephridia stained with MG (arrows). E, chaetiger 5 chaetae of a 33-chaetiger juvenile. F, G, chaetiger 5 chaetae of large mature individuals.Abbreviations: an = occipital antenna, br = branchiae, ch5 = chaetiger 5, co = bilimbate companion chaetae, fa = heavy falcate spines, su = dorsal superior capillaries, ve = ventral capillaries. Scale bars:A−C = 200 µm, D = 100 µm, E−G = 30 µm.A, C—MIMB 42698 (holotype), B—MIMB 42697, D−G—MIMB 42696. A−D—formalin-fixed specimens, C, D—stained with methyl green.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Adult morphology of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait (in life).A, anterior end, dorsal view, showing small spots of ochre pigment on chaetigers 4 and 5. B, anterior end, ventral view. C, middle part of a palp, frontal view, showing ciliated groove bordered by low papillae bearing short non-motile cirri. D, posterior end, dorsal view. E, bidentate hooded hooks from a middle neuropodium. F, heavily recurved, sickle-shaped spines from posterior notopodia. G, right side of posterior postbranchiate chaetigers, dorsal view, showing notopodia with heavy spines in addition to slender capillaries. H, fragment of G, showing slender and slightly curved awl-like spine (aw) and heavily recurved sickle-shaped spine (si). Scale bars: A, B = 100 µm, C, E, G, H = 30 µm, D = 50 µm, F = 20 µm. A, D—MIMB 42695, B, C, E−H—MIMB 33067.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Post-fixation pigmentation and methyl green staining of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait (formalin-fixed specimens).A, complete individual, dorsal view. B, anterior end, dorsal view. C, chaetigers 5–16, dorsal view. D, posterior branchiate chaetigers, dorsal view. E, H, I, posterior ends, dorsal view. F, G, middle chaetigers, dorsal view. Abbreviation: ch5 = chaetiger 5. Scale bars: A−E = 200 µm, F, I = 100 µm, G, H = 50 µm. A, B—MIMB 42694, C—MIMB 42696, D—MIMB 33068, E−H—MIMB 42695. A, C−E—in reflected light; B, F−I—in transmitted light; A−C, F−I—stained with methyl green; D, E—showing transverse bands of dark ochre pigment appeared after fixation in formalin; H, I—showing cells stained with methylene green and paired gatherings of dark ochre pigment appeared after fixation in formalin.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Adult morphology of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait. A, relationships between length of caruncle (in chaetiger numbers) and total number of chaetigers in worm. B, relationships between arrangement of branchiae (referring to number of the last branchiate chaetiger), arrangement of spines in posterior notopodia (referring to number of the first chaetiger bearing awl-like and sickle-shaped spines) and total number of chaetigers in worm. C, relationships between arrangement of gametes (referring to number of the first and the last chaetiger with gametes) and total number of chaetigers in worm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Majority rule consensus tree of the Bayesian inference analysis of the combined COI (1134 bp), 16S (248 bp), 18S (1572 bp), 28S (228 bp), and Histone 3 (299 bp) sequences (3481 bp in total) of Polydora spp. rooted with sequences of Polydora brevipalpa Zachs, 1933. Posterior probabilities are shown on the branches.The numbers preceding collecting locations are unique numbers from the VIR database linking the individuals on the tree with the sampling data in Table 1; numbers of individuals/isolates are separated from sample numbers by dots.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Reproductive biology of Polydora mohammadi sp. nov. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait (in life). A, B, coelomic sperm, showing diads of spermatocytes I, tetrads of spermatocytes II, octads of spermatids (A), and mature spermatozoa (B). C, coelomic oocytes. D, newly spawn eggs from egg capsule. E, part of egg capsules each attached by two stalks to wall of female’s burrow. Scale bars: A, B = 10 µm, C, D = 50 µm, E = 100 µm. A−E—MIMB 42696.";