dc:description"Figure 7. Trap-nests 1 - 4 as at 25 May 2016 after Megachile maxillosa imagines had emerged from all of the cells. Trap-nest 3 shows the remains of the nest of Pseudoheriades grandiceps that preceded the nest of Megachile maxillosa.";
dc:description"Figures 8 - 15. 8 Trap-nest 2 of trap-nest bundle at Tawi Ruwayyan on 27 April 2015, showing Megachile maxillosa initiating a cell 9 Trap-nest 1 of trap-nest bundle at Tawi Ruwayyan on 27 April 2015, showing two closed cells of Megachile maxillosa followed by leaf pieces, presumed to be those of a leaf cutting Megachile sp. 10 Trap-nest 2 of trap-nest bundle at Tawi Ruwayyan on 28 April 2015, showing first cell being provisioned by the builder, Megachile maxillosa 11 Trap-nest 4 of trap-nest bundle at the Camel Farm on 27 April, showing one open cell being provisioned by Megachile maxillosa 12 Trap-nest 4 of trap-nest bundle at the Camel Farm on 28 April 2016, showing two closed provisioned cells with Megachile maxillosa initiating a third cell 13 Trap nest 3 of trap-nest bundle at the Camel Farm showing nest of Pseudoheriades grandiceps at inner end followed by three-celled nest of Megachile maxillosa 14 Trap-nest 4 of trap-nest bundle at the Camel Farm showing final seal of nest of Megachile maxillosa 15 Megachile maxillosa female imago (actual length approx. 22 mm) with open cocoon.";