dc:description"Figure 2. Leaf morphology of the Tashiroea clade. A T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) B T. biglandularis (Y. Liu 553) C T. nudipes (Y. Liu 435) D T. oligotricha (Y. Liu 468) E T. okinawensis (Y. Liu 636) F T. quadrangularis (Y. Liu 585) G T. sessilifolia (Y. Liu 540) H T. yaeyamensis (Y. Liu 631).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Stamen morphology in the Tashiroea clade. A-D Dimorphic stamens: A T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) B T. quadrangularis (Y. Liu 585) C T. biglandularis (Y. Liu 553) D T. sinensis (Y. Liu 569). E-F Isomorphic stamens: E T. nudipes (Y. Liu 435) F T. oligotricha (Y. Liu 468). Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Trichomes in the Tashiroea clade and the Bredia clade. A-D Micrographs of trichomes in the Tashiroea clade: A sessile gland with thin-walled head in T. nudipes (Y. Liu 435) B multiseriate trichomes in T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) C appressed uniseriate trichomes with glandular heads in T. nudipes (Y. Liu 435) D yellowish uniseriate trichomes (branched or unbranched) in T. quadrangularis (Y. Liu 585). E-H Micrographs of trichomes in the Bredia clade: E sessile gland with thin-walled head in B. longiradiosa var. pulchella (Y. Liu 485) F multiseriate trichomes in B. repens (Y. Liu 558) G appressed uniseriate trichomes with glandular heads in B. gibba (Y. Liu 566) H spreading uniseriate trichomes in B. hirsuta (Y. Liu 563). I-L Stereoscopic images of the Tashiroea clade, showing buds covered in yellowish uniseriate trichomes I T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) J T. nudipes (Y. Liu 435) K T. quadrangularis (Y. Liu 585) L T. yaeyamensis (Y. Liu 631). M-P Stereoscopic images of the Bredia clade, showing buds without yellowish uniseriate trichomes: M B. dulanica (Y. Liu 565) N B. gibba (Y. Liu 566) O B. gracilis (Y. Liu 457) P B. yunnanensis (Y. Liu 627). Scale bars: 100 μm (A-H); 1 mm (I-P).";
dc:description"Figure 8. Longitudinal section of ovary (A-H) and old fruit (I-P). A-D Tashiroea clade, crowned or uncrowned ovaries at anthesis: A T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) B T. quadrangularis (Y. Liu 585) C T. biglandularis (Y. Liu 553) D T. sinensis (Y. Liu 569). E-H Bredia clade, crowned ovaries at anthesis: E B. hirsuta (Y. Liu 563) F B. fordii var. micrantha (Y. Liu 580) G B. plagiopetala (Y. Liu 459) H B. longiradiosa var. pulchella (Y. Liu 485). I-L Tashiroea clade, uncrowned, rarely crowned capsules: I T. amoena (Y. Liu 571) J T. biglandularis (Y. Liu 553) K T. sinensis (Y. Liu 569) L T. oligotricha (Y. Liu 468). M-P Bredia clade, crowned capsules: M B. dulanica (Y. Liu 565) N B. fordii (Y. Liu 444) O B. latisepala (Y. Liu 557) P B. repens (Y. Liu 558). Scale bars: 2 mm.";