dc:title"Examination of the generic concept and species boundaries of the genus Erioscyphella (Lachnaceae, Helotiales, Ascomycota) with the proposal of new species and new combinations based on the Japanese materials";
dc:description"Figure 15. Erioscyphella sasibrevispora TNS-F- 81401 (Holotype, A-F, H-J). Lachnum novoguineense var. yunnanicum TNS-F- 16442 (G) A dried apothecia B a pure culture on PDA (NBRC 114475) C ectal excipular cells D ascus E an ascal pore MLZ (+) F ascal base with a perforated crozier G ascal base with a perforated crozier H septated paraphyses I ascospores J vertical section through the apothecium. Mounted in CB / LA (D, F-J), MLZ (E). Scale bars: 1 mm (A); 10 µm (C-J).";
dc:description"Figure 16. Erioscyphella sasibrevispora TNS-F- 81401 (Holotype A-D, F, G). Lachnum novoguineense var. yunnanicum TNS-F- 16642 (E) A apothecium B vertical section of an apothecium C ascospores D asci (with basal structures sometimes with perforation) E ascal base arising from a crozier with perforation F paraphyses G ectal excipular cells H hairs.";
dc:description"Figure 1. ML best-scored phylogenetic tree based on the concatenated dataset of ITS, LSU, mtSSU, and RPB 2 constructed using RAxML-NG. MLBP / MPBP / BPP are represented on branches in this order. In MLBP / MPBP <50 % or BPP <0.95, a hyphen appears. No evaluation values are shown on branches when MLBP and MPBP <50 % and BPP <0.95. The branch of a clade TNS-F- 17245 + 17249 to its most recent common ancestor is only one-third of the intended length due to space limitation.";