dc:description"Text-fig. 8. Wear stages and height (h) of cheek teeth of Sayimys giganteus from Keseköy. Height in mm of the entoconid (arrow) in lower cheek teeth and paracone (arrow) in upper cheek teeth. Shown are the high value and a low value for each wear stage. Note that h of the different wear stages may show large overlaps, in particular in those of worn teeth. This is due to the often-irregular occlusal surfaces of older individuals.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 3. Nomenclature of tooth parts. Upper row left to right: M1, P4, DP4; lower row left to right m1, p4, dp4. Loc. = location. The anterolophulid is not on this picture, it is the mid-line connection between anteroconid and the metalophulid.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 9. Lower molars and premolars of Sayimys giganteus from Keseköy and Yapıntı (= YAP numbers) shown as right specimens. Left side specimens are shown in mirror image, these have underlined specimen numbers.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 11. Cheek teeth of Sayimys giganteus from Keseköy. Anterior sides are indicated by arrows. Top row: labial sides of M3, M2, M1 and DP4, images horizontally-mirrored. Second row: occlusal surfaces of M3, M2, M1 and DP4 of the same specimens. Third row: lingual sides of m3, m2, m1 and dp4, images horizontally-mirrored. Lower row: occlusal surfaces of m3, m2, m1 and dp4 of the same specimens.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 10. Upper cheek teeth of Sayimys giganteus from Keseköy and Yapıntı (= YAP numbers) shown as right specimens. Left side specimens are shown in mirror image, these have underlined specimen numbers.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 7. Scatter diagram of molar length against the ratio anterior width/posterior width of upper molars of S. giganteus from Keseköy.";
dc:description"Text-fig. 12. Ranges of the length of the dp4 based on data from the literature. Vertical scale in Ma, the samples are from the Siwaliks (black) and Turkey, Greece and Arabia (red). Type localities of species are indicated with an asterisk. The Y and Z sites are from Baskin (1996), its size ranges are composed of data from several localities and the vertical arrowed broken line indicates the age range of these sites.";