dc:description"Figure 7. Batoid teeth from the Givhans Ferry Member, Ashley Formation (Rupelian), Dorchester County, South Carolina. A, B. Raja mccollumi male tooth, SC2007.36.132 in distal (A) and labial (B) views. C, D. Raja mccollumi female tooth, SC2007.36.31 in mesial (C) and labial (D) views. E, F. Raja sp. male tooth, SC2007.36.33 in mesial (E) and labial (F) views. G, H. Raja mccollumi female tooth, SC2007.36.124 in mesial (G) and labial (H) views. I. Rhynchobatus sp. tooth, SC2007.36.39 in occlusal view. J–M. “Taeniurops” cavernosus low-crowned tooth, SC2015.29.42 in occlusal (J), profile (K), labial (L), and basal (M) views. N–Q. “Taeniurops” cavernosus male tooth, SC2015.29.2 in occlusal (N), profile (O), labial (P), and basal (Q) views. R, S. “Taeniurops” cavernosus low-crowned tooth, SC2007.36.53 in occlusal (R) and profile (S) views. T, U. “Taeniurops” cavernosus male tooth, SC207.36.51 in occlusal (T) and profile (U) views. V–Y. “Dasyatis” sp. low-crowned tooth, SC2015.29.45 in occlusal (V), profile(W), labial (X), and labio-oblique (Y) views. Z–CC. “Dasyatis” sp. low-crowned tooth, SC2007.36.49 in occlusal (Z), profile (AA), lingual (BB), and labial (CC) views. Scale bar=0.5 mm in C, D, G, H; 1 mm in E, F, I, T, U; 2 mm in A, B; 5 mm in J–S, V–CC.";