dc:description"Figure 9. Teleost teeth from the Givhans Ferry Member, Ashley Formation (Rupelian), Dorchester County, South Carolina. A, B. Albula sp. tooth, SC2015.29.204 in profile (A) and basal (B) views. C, D. Osteoglossidae indet. tooth, SC2015.29.218 in profile (C) and basal (D) views. E–H. Sphyraena sp. cheek tooth, SC2007.36.120 in close-up showing serrations (E), labial (F), carinal (G), and basal (H) views. I–K. Sphyraena sp. laniary tooth, SC2007.36.190 in labial (I), basal (J), and anterior (K) views. L, M. Paralichthyidae indet. tooth, SC2007.36.259 in labial (L) and distal (M) views. N. Trichiurides cf. T. sagittidens laniary tooth, SC2015.29.185 in profile view. O. Trichiurides cf. T. sagittidens laniary tooth, SC2007.36.210 in profile view. P–R. Palaeocybium sp. tooth, SC2007.36.122 in labial (P), carinal (Q), and basal (R) views. S–U. Scomberomorus sp. tooth, SC2015.29.221 in lingual (S), carinal (T), and basal (U) views. Scale bar=0.4 mm in O; 0.5 mm in C, D, L–N, S–U; 1 mm in A, B, I–K; 3 mm in E–H, P–R.";