dc:description"Figure 2. External appearance of Lineus acutifrons. (A) Specimen showing the difference between the cylindrical anterior part and the attened posterior part; (B) enlargement of cephalic region in ventral view to show head shape and mouth; (C) enlargement of cephalic region in lateral view to show cephalic slits; (D) enlargement of posterior region to show caudal cirrus. (A–C) are from living specimens; (D) is an image of an anesthetized specimen.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Lineus acutifrons. (A) Transverse section showing the two lateral cephalic lacunae; (B) transverse section at brain level showing ventral lacuna; (C) transverse section at brain level showing two ventral lacunae; (D) transverse section at brain level showing four lacunae; (E) longitudinal section of the cephalic slit showing the aperture of the ciliated canal; glandular area with long cilia are marked with arrows; (F) longitudinal section at the tip of the head. Scale bars A–F: 100 µm. Abbreviations: ao, apical organ; cl, cephalic lacunae; dc, dorsal commissure; ll, lateral lacunae; mvl, mid-ventral lacuna; pp, proboscis pore; r, rhynchocoel; vl, ventral lacuna.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Phylogeny resulting from a maximum likelihood analysis of 28S ribosomal RNA (likelihood − 8692.363) with L. acutifrons in bold. Numbers adjacent to nodes indicate bootstrap ≥ 50%. Outgroup species are Nipponnemertes punctatulus, Oerstedia zebra, Tetrastemma elegans and Tetrastemma wilsoni.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Phylogeny resulting from a maximum likelihood analysis of combined DNA datasets [cytochrome oxidase I (CO1) mitochondrial DNA and 28S ribosomal RNA; likelihood − 8692.363] with Lineus acutifrons in bold. Numbers adjacent to nodes indicate bootstrap ≥ 50%. Outgroup species are Nipponnemertes punctatulus, Oerstedia zebra, Tetrastemma elegans and Tetrastemma wilsoni.";