dc:description"Fig. 2. (a)–(b) Mastigamoeba psammobia, (a) general appearance of cell, note cytoplasms drawn from the posterior end, (b) general appearance of different cell and note pseudopodia. (c) Hexamita inflata, general appearance, note the nucleus. (d) Trepomonas agilis, general appearance of cell. (e) Chilomastix cuspidata, showing general appearance. (f) Stephanopogon sp., showing general appearance. (g) Saepicula pulchra, showing general appearance of cell. (h)–(j) Goniomonas amphinema. (h) Form I, (i) Form II, (j) Form III, note flagellar ar- rangement. (k) Roombia truncata, note attached cell to the substrate by the tip of the posterior flagellum, note extrusomes, surface striations and deep gullet. (l) Telonema subtilis, showing general appearance. (m) Harpagon descissus, general appearance of cell. (n)–(o) Spironema multiciliatum, (n) general appearance of cell, (o) note the kinetics. (p) Psammosa unguis, general appearance of cell. (q) Bicosoeca conica, general appearance of cell. (r) Apusomonas proboscidea, genera appearance of cell, note the V-shaped structure on dorsal face. All micrographs are DIC images except for (b), which is phase contrast images. Scale bar in (r) = 10 μm for all figures.";