dc:description"Figs 13–52. Structures of male genitalia in Anurogryllina and Brachytrupina, schematically: 13, 14 — Mexigryllus huatulco sp. nov.; 15, 16 — M. tuxtla sp. nov.; 17–20 — Anurogryllus (Urogryllus) oaxaca sp. nov.; 21–24 — A. (U.) mataracu sp. nov.; 25–27 — A. (U.) tamaulipas sp. nov.; 28–30 — A. (U.) parvispeculum sp. nov.; 31–33 — A. (U.) minimus sp. nov.; 34–39 — A. (U.) pantanal sp. nov.; 40–42 — A. (Pilosogryllus) fulvaster (Chop.); 43 — Phonarellus minor (Chop.); 44 — Cephalogryllus lifouensis Gor.; 45 — Sciobia lusitanica (Ramb.); 46 — Modicogryllus frontalis(Fieb.);47 — Tarbinskiellus portentosus (Drury); 48 — Geogryllus mezai Gor. et Izerskyy; 49 — Miogryllus sp. from Peru; 50 — M. sp. from Ecuador; 51 — Megalogryllus (Gigantogryllus) neotropicus (Gor.); 52 — M. (Megalogryllus) excellens sp. nov. Anteromedian lobe of epiphallus from above (13, 15, 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40); ectoparamere from below (14, 16, completely; 18, 22, 27, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, apical portion) as well as from below and slightly medially (43–52); apical part of rachis from below (19, 20, 23, 26, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42) Abbreviations: aml — apex of mesal lobe; as — apical sclerite; bml — base of mesal lobe, but without most part of this lobe (52) or only without its small part (49, 50); m — membrane between mesal lobe and posterodorsal sclerite; ma — membranous area between apical and proximal sclerites; ml — mesal lobe; pds — posterodorsal sclerite; ps — proximal sclerite; spl — spine-like process at apex of mesal lobe (47), at apex of proximal sclerite (52), and in place of their fusion (46, 48, 49, 50, 51)";
dc:description"Figs 100–119. Mexigryllus, Anurogryllus and Megalogryllus: 100 — Mexigryllus huatulco sp. nov.; 101 — M. tuxtla sp. nov.; 102 — A. (Urogryllus) oaxaca sp. nov.; 103 — A. (U.) parvispeculum sp. nov.; 104 — A. (U.) pantanal sp. nov.; 105 — A. (U.) mataracu sp. nov.; 106 — A. (U.) minimus sp. nov.; 107 — A. (U.) tamaulipas sp. nov.; 108 — A. (U.) toltecus (Sauss.); 109 — A. (?) antillarum (Sauss.); 110 — A. (?) sp. (female of A. antillarum [?] according to Saussure); 111–114 — A. (Anurogryllus) carinatus sp. nov.; 115 — A. (A.) caraibeus abbreviatus subsp. nov.; 116 — Megalogryllus (Megalogryllus) clamosus Mesa et Garcia-Novo; 117 — M. (M.) molinai Chop.; 118 — M. (M.) angustulus sp. nov.; 119 — M. (M.) excellens sp. nov. Dorsal field of right male tegmen (100–104, 106–109, 116–119); posterior part of pronotum with visible parts of tegmina and mesonotum as well as with anterior part of metanotum, male (105); abdominal apex from side, female (111) and possibly male (110); distal part of epiphallus from side (112, 115); apex of both left ectoparamere (113) and rachis (114) from below. [109, 110 — after Saussure (1874) and 116 — after Mesa & Garcia-Novo (2004), modified; 117 — after photograph of holotype in Cigliano et al. (2019)]";