dc:description"FIGURE 9. Philobrya capillata. A, B: holotype (NHMUK 1962867), C‒F: specimens from South Georgia (MACN-In 44439). A, C: outer views right valve (with periostracum), B: inner view right valve, D: detail of prodissoconch, E: hinge plate left valve (specimen of 4.5 mm L), F: hinge plate right valve (specimen of 4.4 mm L). Scale bars A‒C: 1 mm; D: 100 µm; E, F: 500 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Philobrya blakeana. A, I: lectotype of Brachidontes (Hormomya) blakeanus (MMUM EE 7674), B, J‒L, O, P: specimens from Tierra del Fuego (B: MACN-In 44420, J, K, O, P: MLP-Ma 16106, L: MLP-Ma 16108), C‒H, M, N: specimens from Burdwood Bank (MACN-In 44422). A‒C, E‒H: outer views right valve (A, B: with periostracum, C, E‒H: without periostracum), D: outer view left valve (without periostracum), I, J: inner views right valve, K: inner view left valve, L: brooded embryo removed from the demibranch of an adult specimen, M‒O: hinge plates right valve (M: specimen of 7.7 mm L, N: specimen of 5.2 mm L, O: specimen of 3.5 mm L), P: hinge plate left valve (specimen of 3.5 mm L). Scale bars A‒K: 1 mm; L: 100 µm; M‒P: 500 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Philobrya hamiltoni and Philobrya cf. barbata. A: syntype of P. hamiltoni (AM C.46560), B‒U: Philobrya cf. barbata, specimens from Burdwood Bank (MACN-In 44416). A, D: outer views left valve (A: with periostracum, D: without periostracum), B, C, E‒H, O: outer views right valve (B: with periostracum, C, E‒H, O: without periostracum), I‒L, N: inner views right valve, M: inner view left valve, P: detail of prodissoconch, Q‒S: hinge plates left valve (Q: specimen of 4.7 mm L, R: specimen of 5.5 mm L, S: specimen of 1.7 mm L), T, U: hinge plates right valve (T: specimen of 1.7 mm L, U: specimen of 5.5 mm L). Scale bars A‒N: 1mm; O, Q‒U: 500 µm; P: 100 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Philobrya olstadi. A, I: holotype (NHM.UIO D 28607), B‒H, J‒T: specimens from South Orkney (B‒G, J‒ T: MACN-In 44469, H: NMS Z 1921.143.699). A‒F: outer views right valve (A, E: with periostracum, B‒D, F: without periostracum), G, H: outer views left valve (G: without periostracum, H: with periostracum), I‒L, N: inner views right valve, M: inner view left valve, O: detail of prodissoconch, P, S, T: hinge plates left valve (P: specimen of 5.5 mm L, S: specimen of 5.8 mm L, T: specimen of 3.7 mm L), Q, R: hinge plates right valve (Q: specimen of 3.7 mm L, R: specimen of 5.8 mm L). Scale bars A‒N: 1 mm; O: 100 µm; P‒T: 500 µm.";