dc:title"Multiple data revealed two new species of the Asian horned toad Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt, 1822 (Anura, Megophryidae) from the eastern corner of the Himalayas";
dc:description"Figure 3. Photos of specimens of Megophrys species in Medog. A-E dorsal views of adult male holotype NWIPB 770650 of M. pachyproctus, adult male topotype CIB 022017061406 of M. medogensis, adult male CIB 022017061805 of M. cf. pachyproctus, adult male holotype CIBMT 171053 of Megophrys zhoui sp. nov., and adult male holotype CIB 201706 MT 02 of Megophrys yeae sp. nov., respectively F-J ventral views of the specimens, respectively K-O lateral view of head of the specimens, respectively P-T ventral view of hand of the specimens, respectively U-Y ventral view of foot of the specimens, respectively. Scale bar for body view equal to 10 mm, and for partial view 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Visualization of advertisement calls of three Megophrys species from Medog. A-C visualizations of 60 seconds waveform of relative amplitude over time for M. medogensis (one unvouchered individual recorded in the vicinity of Medog urban area), M. cf. pachyproctus (CIB 022017061807), and Megophrys yeae sp. nov. (paratype CIB 022017061804), respectively D-F visualizations of 20 seconds waveform of relative amplitude over time G-I visualizations of two seconds waveform of relative amplitude for the species, respectively J-L visualizations of two seconds waveform of spectrogram for the species, respectively.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Skull of Megophrys species in Medog. A-E dorsal views of adult male holotype NWIPB 770650 of M. pachyproctus, adult male topotype CIB 022017061406 of M. medogensis, adult male CIB 022017061805 of M. cf. pachyproctus, adult male holotype CIBMT 171053 of Megophrys zhoui sp. nov., and adult male holotype CIB 201706 MT 02 of Megophrys yeae sp. nov., respectively F-J ventral views of the specimens, respectively. Key to skull: 1 premaxillary; 2 maxillary; 3 nasal; 4 sphenethmoid; 5 anterior fontanelle; 6 frontoparietal; 7 sagittal suture; 8 pterygoid; 9 squamosal; 10 quadratojugal; 11 prootic; 12 exoccipital; 13 vomerine ridge; 14 mandible; 15 anterior process of parasphenoid; 16 columella auris. Scale bar equal to 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Tadpole specimens of four groups of three Megophrys species from Medog. A-D dorsal views of the low-middle-elevation tadpole CIBMT 20170621 of M. medogensis (Goser stage 35), the high-elevation tadpole CIBMT 171001 of M. medogensis (stage 27), tadpole CIBMT 20170611 of M. cf. pachyproctus (stage 25), tadpole CIBMT 170604 of Megophrys yeae sp. nov. (stage 35), respectively E-H lateral views of the tadpoles, respectively I - L ventral views of the tadpoles, respectively. M-P dorsal views of head of the tadpoles, respectively. Scale bar for body view equal to 10 mm, and for head view 2 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 10. Microhabitats of Megophrys toads in the field in Medog. A stream at elevation 850 m in Didong village, harboring the low-middle-elevation M. medogensis and Megophrys yeae sp. nov. B a stream at 1530 m in Gelin village, hosting the low-middle-elevation M. medogensis and M. pachyproctus C a stream at 1780 m in Bari village, harboring low-middle-elevation M. medogensis, M. cf. pachyproctus and Megophrys yeae sp. nov. D a stream at 2003 m in the vicinity of Renqingbeng Temple, hosting M. cf. pachyproctus and Megophrys zhoui sp. nov. E a stream at 2142 m in Gedang village, hosting M. medogensis F one adult male of low-middle-elevation M. medogensis calling on a dead leaf on the tropical forest ground nearby a stream in Didong village G the adult male paratype CIB 022017061102 of Megophrys yeae sp. nov. calling on a leaf of dense bushes under tropical forest, ca. 0.5 m above a stream in Didong village H the adult male CIB 022017061806 of M. cf. pachyproctus calling on a branch of dead bush, ca. 0.5 m above ground under subtropical forest in Bari village I the gravid female CIBMT 171054 of M. cf. pachyproctus precariously climbing up onto a stem of herb, ca. 0.3 m above a tiny stream under subtropical forest in Renqingbeng J the adult male holotype CIBMT 171053 of Megophrys zhoui sp. nov. sitting on a split of a fern leaf in a small stream under subtropical forest in the vicinity of Renqingbeng Temple.";