dc:description"Figure 99. Habit, bark and foliage of Erythrophleeae A Erythrophleum fordii Oliv. at Hung Temple, Vietnam B bark of Erythrophleum couminga Baill. in Madagascar C Pachyelasma tessmannii (Harms) Harms in Congolian rainforest D, E, H Erythrophleum chlorostachys Baill. D rugous bark E tree in northern Australian savannas H foliage F Erythrophleum lasianthum Corbishley foliage G Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan foliage and terminal inflorescences, Ntumbachusi falls, Zambia. Photo credits A Hungda (https: // tropical. theferns. info / image. php? id = Erythrophleum + fordii) B Solofo Eric Rakotoarisoa, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 42581094) C Bart Wursten (https: // www. flickr. com / photos / zimbart / 8212743587 / in / photolist-dvJsxn-dvJnwi) D, E, H G Mahajan (https: // alchetron. com / Erythrophleum-chlorostachys) F JMK (https: // wikiwand. com / en / Erythrophleum _ lasianthum) G MG Bingham (https: // malawiflora. com / speciesdata / image-display. php? species _ id = 126540 & image _ id = 8).";
dc:description"Figure 101. Tribe Erythrophleeae inflorescences, fruits and seeds A-D Spicate racemes of species of Erythrophleum with small flowers, erect sepals and petals and hairy stamen filaments A E. suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan with a visiting fly B E. chlorostachys (F. Muell.) Baill. (Ironwood) C, D E. lasianthum Corbishley E-I Fruits and seeds E dehisced fruits of Erythrophleum suaveolens F, G ripe fruits of Erythrophleum lasianthum H, I dispersed fruits of Pachyelasma tessmannii (Harms) Harms on the forest floor, showing the flat valves and raised margins. Photo credits: A AlkalIn (https: // commons. wikimedia. org / wiki / File: Flowers _ of _ Erythrophleum _ suaveolens. jpg) B T Harley (https: // territorynativeplants. com. au / erythrophleum-chlorostachys-ironwood) C, D SAplants E Oliver Haumann, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 60428121) F, G JMK (https: // commons. wikimedia. org / wiki / File: Erythrophleum _ lasianthum, _ loof _ en _ peule, _ Manie _ van _ der _ Schijff _ BT, _ a. jpg) H B Wursten (https: // flickr. com / photos / zimbart / 8212726705) I T Stevart (https: // tropicos. org / ImageDownload. aspx? imageid = 100336252).";
dc:description"Figure 102. Distribution of Pachyelasma based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";