dc:description"Fig. 9. Skin in species of the genus Proceratophrys. (A) External morphology of the skin showing the small protuberances that cover the body. Notice the postorbitalsupratympanic (pink-painted) and dorsal region (arrow). (B) Detail of the epidermis (ep) with its layers. (H–E). (C)–(E) Epidermal surface (eps) under SEM. Notice the pointed spines (sp) on the surface of the skin. (D) Detail of the spine. Notice the wide stratum corneum (StC) that covers the spine. (E) Circular pores can be observed between the spines (>). (F) Light microscopy image showing the arrangement of the syncytial glands (SGs) in the protuberance. (H–E). (G) Detail of the alveolar gland (AG). (A), (C), (D), (E) P. avelinoi. (B), (F), (G) P. brauni. Abbreviations: d, dermis; l, lumen of the alveolar gland; sep, secretory epithelium of the alveolar gland; sc, stratum compactum; ss, stratum spongiosum; StG, stratum germinativum; StI, stratum intermedium; arrowhead, EK layer. Scale bar: B, D, G =20 μm; C = 200 μm; E-F = 100 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Morphometric parameters measured in the secretory portions (secp), glandular pores (p), and spine-like projections (sp). (A) Width (blue line) and height (red line) of pointed spine in Proceratophrys avelinoi on SEM image. (B) Major (green line) and minor (orange line) diameter of stoma-like pore of syncytial gland (SG) in Odontophrynus lavillai (SEM image). (C) Major (green line) and minor (orange line) diameter of circular pore of the alveolar gland in O. americanus (SEM image). (D) Width (blue line) and height (red line) of secretory portion of SG in O. occidentalis (Mendoza). (MMT). Abbreviations: d, dermis; ep, epidermis; eps, epidermal surface. Scale bar: A = 15 μm; B = 10 μm; C = 5 μm; D = 100 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Syncytial glands in species of the genus Proceratophrys. (A) Detail of the gland neck (nk). (MMT). (B) Morphology of the granules (g) and networklike secretion (ns) under SEM. (C) PAS-positive granules (g) and network-like secretion (ns). (PAS). (A), (C) P. brauni. (B) P. avelinoi. Abbreviations: secp, secretory portion; d, dermis; ep, epidermis. Scale bar: A-C = 10 μm.";