dc:description"Figure 5. The holotype of Brookesia tedi sp. n. from Marojejy in lateral view (above), and dorsal (middle) and lateral (below) views of the heads of the types of B. tedi sp. n., in comparison with a representative male specimen of B. peyrierasi from the type locality Nosy Mangabe. The lateral view of the holotype (marked with an asterisk) has been mirrored to be in the same orientation as those of the other specimens. Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 6. The preserved hemipenes of Brookesia tedi sp. n. and its sister species, B. peyrierasi in sulcal view. Not to scale. Note that the spines of B. peyrierasi are equally visible in asulcal view, and in all studied individuals of this species (see Glaw et al. 1999).";
dc:description"Figure 1. Molecular phylogenetic trees of species in the Brookesia minima group, based on sequences of the mitochondrial 16 S (480 bp) and ND 2 (574 bp) genes, inferred under the Maximum Likelihood optimality criterion, and the GTR + G (16 S) and HKY + I + G (ND 2) substitution models. Values at nodes are support values from a bootstrap analysis in percent (500 replicates) and are shown only if> 50 %. The two gene fragments were analysed separately and not concatenated because partly different samples were available for each of them. The trees were rooted with Brookesia brygooi (removed for better graphical representation).";
dc:description"Figure 2. Molecular phylogeny of species in the Brookesia minima group, based on the nuclear c-mos gene (405 bp, no missing data) and inferred under the Maximum Likelihood optimality criterion (K 2 substitution model). Values at nodes are support values from a bootstrap analysis in percent (500 replicates) and are only shown if> 50 %. The tree was rooted with Brookesia brygooi (removed for better graphical representation).";