dc:description"Figures 52–70. Hemispermatophores and capsule regions of Grosphus and Neogrosphus. Multi-panel figures show: whole hemispermatophore; whole hemispermatophore and capsule with flagellum; capsule region in convex (and/ or convex compressed), anterior and posterior views (panels in left to right sequence). Right hemispermatophores unless indicated as mirrored left images. Figure 52. G. madagascariensis, whole hemispermatophore (scale bar: 2 mm), capsule and flagellum (scale bar: 1 mm). Figure 53. G. madagascariensis, capsule, Sc1197, Andasibe, GLPC, FKCP. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 54. G. madagascariensis, capsule, Anjiro, G. halleuxi nr topotype, GLPC. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 55. G. madagascariensis, capsule, Mandena- Fort Dauphin, G. mandena paratype, MHNG.Scale bar: 500 μm.Figure 56. G. madagascariensis, capsule, Madagascar, det. Vachon, MHNG. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 57. G. madagascariensis, capsule, Andasibe, GLPC, FKCP. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 58. G. goudoti, whole hemispermatophore. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure 59. G. goudoti, capsule, Forêt de Bobankota, holotype, MHNG. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 60. G. hirtus, whole hemispermatophore (scale bar: 2 mm), capsule and flagellum (scale bar: 1 mm), Antsiranana, Ramena vill., mirrored left, GLPC, FKCP. Figure 61. G. hirtus, capsule, Mahajamba River, GLPC, FKCP. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figures 62–65. G. hirtus, capsules in convex view.Antsiranana, Ramena vill., mirrored left, GLPC, FKCP (62), Jardin Botanique, MHNG (63), Ranohira-Llakaka, ZMUH, mirrored left (64), Forêt de Vohitaly, MHNG (65). Scale bars: 500 μm. Figure 66. G. hirtus, capsule, Forest Station Ampijoroa, G. garciai holotype, MHNG. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 67. G. voahangyae, whole hemispermatophore. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure 68. G. voahangyae, capsule, Analamy Forest, FMNH. Scale bar: 500 μm. Figure 69. N. griveaudi, whole hemispermatophore (flagellum truncated). Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure 70. N. griveaudi, capsule, mirrored left, Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, GLPC, FKCP.";
dc:description"Figures 86–89. Hemispermatophores and capsule regions of Grosphus and Neogrosphus. Cross stereoscopic convex views. Scale bars: 500 μm. Figure 86. G. madagascariensis, Sc1197, Andasibe, GLPC, FKCP. Figure 87. N. griveaudi, mirrored left, Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, GLPC, FKCP. Figure 88. G. goudoti, Forêt de Bobankota, holotype, MHNG. Figure 89. G. voahangyae, Analamy Forest, FMNH.";
dc:description"Figures 610–619. Neogrosphus griveaudi, male (610–613, 617–619) and female (614–616). Figures 610, 614. Sternopectinal region. Figures 611, 615. Carapace and tergites I–III. Figure 612. Pedipalp chela, movable finger dentate margin. Figures 613, 616. Pedipalp chela in dorsal views. Figure 617. Metasoma V and telson lateral view. Figures 618–619. Right leg III (618) and leg IV (619), tibia, basitarsus and telotarsus, retrolateral views.";
dc:description"Figures 21–27. Positions of trichobothria Eb, Eb and petite Eb on manus of pedipalp chela in Grosphus, Neogrosphus and Teruelius gen. 1 2 3 n. Figures 21–24. External views of pedipalp chela, shown under UV fluorescence to highlight trichobothrial areolae. G. hirtus ♂ (21), G. madagascariensis ♀ (22), T. limbatus ♂ (23), T. ankarafantsika ♀ (24). Positions of Eb 1, Eb 2 and Eb 3 and lines joining them shown as white overlays. Scale bars: 2 mm. Figures 25–26. Horizontal histograms comparing ratios, R = d(Eb, Eb)/ d(Eb, Eb), of Eb -Eb distance, to Eb - 123 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 Eb distance, in males (25), and females (26) of Grosphus, Neogrosphus and Teruelius gen. n. Error bars indicate ranges (minimum, maximum), 2 histogram bars mid-range values. Figure 27. Scatter plot of male vs. female ratios R. Ratio is larger in males if points fall above the diagonal 123 (gray) line, larger in females if they fall below it.";